Extreme Weather
Short link to this page: http://bit.ly/versatile_tt_weather
This word cloud was created in VersaText. It is one of the preloaded texts there. The colours in the topic trails above and the part of speech colour-coding of the word cloud below are unrelated.
The Syllable Stress Table (SST) below contains key words from BBC new story.
Another page in this website contains more information about SSTs.
Sketch Engine: WebBootCat
This tool generated a corpus from documents it identified on the web based on the words in the "extreme weather" topic trail. It took about 3 minutes to accumulate a corpus of 486,829 words. The corpus tool is then able to generate lists such as those below.
The last video on this SKE page demonstrates how to use WebBootCat.
The last video on this SKE page demonstrates how to use WebBootCat.